


Splay » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Per Amundsen, 04/05/2020 02:48 PM) → Revision 8/10 (Per Amundsen, 04/05/2020 02:50 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 
 */splay -cmpqw [filename | stop | pause | resume | seek | skip] [pos]* 

 Plays the specified sound, which can be a .wav, .mid, or .mp3 file. 

 When a sound finishes playing, it triggers a [[On SONGEND|sound event]]. 

 _Playing mp3 files with large "ID3 tags": and/or album art, may not work._ 

 _See also [[on SONGEND]], [[on MP3END]], [[on WAVEEND]], [[on MIDIEND]], [[$filename]], [[$sound]]._ 


 -c - Clears the song queue. 
 -m - Midi. 
 -p - Mp3. 
 -q - Queue song to play after current song. 
 -w - Wave. 


 [filename | stop | pause | resume | seek | skip] - File to play or operation to perform on current song. 
 [pos] - If pos is defined, file will start playing at position pos. 


 ; Match on "play a song" then play "mysong.mp3" 
 on *:TEXT:play a song:*:splay c:\mysong.mp3 