


Statusbar » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Per Amundsen, 10/04/2015 10:46 PM) → Revision 11/26 (Mr. BS, 10/04/2015 10:49 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 */statusbar [on|off]* 

 Enables/disables Statusbar. [[$statusbar]] can be used to determine it's state. 

 If no parameter is defined, prints current Statusbar visibility status. 


 [on] - Enables Statusbar. 
 [off] - Disables Statusbar. 

 _Added in 1.9.7_ 

 */statusbar <-adtgpoijshnNzN> [N] <N|name> <tooltip> <@popup> [/alias] [picfile] [text]* 

 Adds or removes custom text items/icons to the Statusbar. 


 -a - Add a new item. 
 -d - Delete item named 'name' or the Nth item. 
 -t - Change the tooltip text. 
 -g - Change the text. 
 -p - Change the picfile/icon. 
 -o - Change the associated @popup. 
 -i - Insert a item at position N. 
 -j - Indicates [/alias] is defined. 
 -w - Show a hidden item. 
 -h - Hide a item. 
 -nN - Indicates [picfile] is defined, N is the Nth icon index in a exe/dll file. 
 -zN - Icon size, 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual. 


 [N] - Used with -d and -i to delete the Nth item or insert at the Nth position. 
 <N|name> - Insert a item at the Nth position or the name of the item to modify/add. 
 <tooltip> - The tooltip text. 
 <@popup> - Popup to associate with the item. 
 [/alias] - Optional alias to execute when the item is doubleclicked. 
 <text|picfile> - The item item or picfile/icon to use when -n is defined. 
 [text] - Optional text to add to a picfile/icon. 


 ; Create an example menu. 
 menu @Example { 
   Hello World:echo -ag Hello World menu 

 alias example { 
   echo -ag Hello world alias 

 ; Create a new statusbar item named 'example'. 
 /statusbar -a example @example /example Example 

 ; Update the text of the statusbar item 'example'. 
 /statusbar -g -b example Example2 

 : Delete the statusbar item named 'example' 
 /statusbar -d example 
