


Timer » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Per Amundsen, 02/26/2017 12:11 AM) → Revision 6/17 (Per Amundsen, 02/26/2017 12:12 AM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 */timers [off]* 
 */timer[n|name] [off]* 
 */timer[n|name] [-cdehimopr] [time] <repetitions> <interval> <code>* 

 Creates a timer that runs <code> at an interval. 

 If you are connected to server when the timer is started, it defaults to being a online timer, otherwise it will be a offline timer. 

 A offline timer will continue to run even if the server is disconnected, while a online timer will stop the timer when disconnected. 


 -c - TODO 
 -d - TODO 
 -e - Execute Executes the code associated with a timer. 
 -h - Create Creates a high-resolution timer. 
 -i - Dynamically associates itself with the active connection. 
 -m - Treat Treats the interval parameter as milliseconds instead of seconds. 
 -o - Create Creates a offline timer. 
 -p - Pause Pauses a timer. 
 -r - Resume Resumes a timer. 


 [off] - Turns of a timer. 
 [n|name] - The name or index of the timer. 
 [time] - TODO 
 <repetitions> - The amount of timer the timers should repeat itself. An repetition value of '0' will repeat for ever. 
 <interval> - The delay between two consecutive timer executions 
 <code> - Code to be executed.  


 alias example { 
   ; Create a variable and set value to 5. 
   var %reps = 5 
   ; Call the timer %reps times after 1 second delay. 
   .timer %reps 1 countdown  
   ; Print the first count. 

 alias -l countdown { 
   echo -ag Count: $timer($ltimer).reps 