


Tips Tricks » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Per Amundsen, 07/24/2015 03:54 AM) → Revision 8/63 (Per Amundsen, 07/24/2015 03:54 AM)


 h1. Tips 

 h2. Unicode 

 If you ever experience an issue with displaying unicode characters (which is not just an encoding issue), characters, try type: 

 <pre>/setoptions Messages UseDrawText True</pre> 

 This will enable a different method for drawing messages. 

 To disable, type: 

 <pre>/setoptions Messages UseDrawText False</pre> 

 h2. Auth before joining a channel 

 If you need to be authed with nickserv before joining a channel, you can use the [[/sleep]] (or [[/timer]]) command in your serverlist "Run these commands on connect" field: 

 /msg nickserv identify <password> 
 /sleep 3 /join #channel1,#channel2 

 /sleep 3, means wait 3 seconds before running the following command.