


How to hide joins/leave?

Added by Paco ildelfonso over 13 years ago

Hi, i love the client but I cant find how to hide the joins and leaves of popular channels.

Is there any way to do this?


Replies (11)

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Per Amundsen over 13 years ago


There are two ways, one is to use this plugin .. it will strip most system messages, but on all channels.

Another way is to use a script e.g:

OnEvent if ($event == JOIN && #channel == #CHANNELNAMEHERE) { .eat text }
OnEvent if ($event == PART && #channel == #CHANNELNAMEHERE) { .eat text }

And so on, let me know if you need more specific help :)

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paco ildelfonso over 13 years ago

Thanks :D

I tried the first like it said here:

But when i try to load the .dll it crash.

Here is the error:

I tried to load all the dll files of the folder stripsystem but I got this error all the time.

THanks for the answer amundsen.

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Per Amundsen over 13 years ago

You are right, it does not copy the plugin to the right folder, ill fix that shortly!

In the meantime, you can manually copy Stripsystem.dll from the Release folder and put it into a folder called "Plugins" inside the AdiIRC folder, normally its "c:\program files (x86)\AdiIRC"

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paco ildelfonso over 13 years ago

Thx. It works, the plugin load. But it doesnt hide the joins/leaves mmm. I screenshot that:

Sorry for all the questions.

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Per Amundsen over 13 years ago

Nono you are finding good bugs i have missed :D

I just tested it, and i see that my new scripting system are interfering with the plugin system.

You can still do it by scripting as i said earlier, but if you want to use the plugin, give me a few hours and i will make a beta version that fixes everything :D

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paco ildelfonso over 13 years ago

Thx amundsen, I will wait to the new version. Doing the scripting myself seems difficult to me :(

Thx and good job, love the client so far.

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Per Amundsen over 13 years ago

Okay the plugin works correct for me now.

Go to File -> Options -> General and check the box that says "Periodically check for new beta versions", after install it should work :D

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paco ildelfonso over 13 years ago

Works perfect :D, awesome work.

The chat is perfect now :D


RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paul Aburn over 4 years ago

Realise that I am somewhat resurrecting the dead here but I tried inputting the script as per above, but still getting join and part messages showing.

So, channel is #GazelleGames so I input the following into scripts;

OnEvent if ($event JOIN && #channel #GazelleGames) { .eat text }
OnEvent if ($event PART && #channel #GazelleGames) { .eat text }

Noobie question - do I need to do something to activate scripts? Or do I need to add the server name also.

Any help much appreciated.

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago

This script format was removed 7 years ago in favor of mirc scripting.

You don't need this script though since this functionality is already built into the client.

To enable/disable for all channels, check, for individual channels, right-click the channel in the Treebar or Switchbar and click the "Events" menu.

RE: How to hide joins/leave? - Added by Paul Aburn over 4 years ago

Thanks for your prompt reply - and that was exactly what I needed.
