


Chinese garbled

Added by yu zhao about 11 years ago

This IRC client is very cool.but,input chinese garbled,And input method can only enter one letter.
How to set?

Replies (15)

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen about 11 years ago

Also could you try if this one works?

Thanks :)

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by yu zhao about 11 years ago



This client solve the garbage problem , but it did not solve the input method can only enter a letter , if you enter two letters, word choice box will disappear.

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen about 11 years ago

Hm, can you show me a screenshot of this word choice box or a link to how I can get it?

Sorry if I misunderstands, but I don't know much about IME, want to learn :)

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by yu zhao about 11 years ago

This is input method app:
System comes with an input method, and the IME link above will not work

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by yu zhao about 11 years ago

textBox1.ImeMode = System.Windows.Forms.ImeMode.On;
Can you compile with this program option

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen about 11 years ago

this.LanguageOption = RichTextBoxLanguageOptions.DualFont;
this.ImeMode = ImeMode.On;

The one I linked you had this enabled.

I'm thinking maybe its because I resize the inputbox to fix the text (multiline support) that's causing it.

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by yu zhao about 11 years ago

Test this option

this.ImeMode = ImeMode.HangulFull;

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen about 11 years ago

Are you both using utf-8 encoding ?

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen almost 11 years ago

Hi again,

If you are still around, I think I have fixed the IME issue, could you try and check ?

Thanks :)

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by yu zhao almost 11 years ago

I just try it,it running ok,don't found IME bug

RE: Chinese garbled - Added by Per Amundsen almost 11 years ago

Awesome! :)
