| .timer x y and Slap Title
Added by ZarkBit Nok over 11 years ago
Hey there everyone, i'm trying to make the following "slap" to work on AdiIRC
Hunter: say Deer season has opened!! | .timer 1 4 me stuffs $$1 into a deer suit and shoves him into the woods. | .timer 1 10 me hears gunshots.. | .timer 1 14 me sees a hunter drag $$1's dead body out of the woods.
but the | .timer doesn't seem to do anything it simply stops when it reaches | .timer x y with AdiIRC 1.9.1
another thing i've notice, he clearly sets the "Hunter" (with the Hunter:) as the slap title, but it doesn't do anything when i click it
With AdiIRC 1.9.2 beta, it ignores the | .timer and posts it as regular text
About the Slap Title, the same thing happens with this version, when i click it, nothing happens
Replies (2)
RE: | .timer x y and Slap Title - Added by Per Amundsen over 11 years ago
Hi I just created this script:
menu userlist { Hunter: say Deer season has opened!! | .timer 1 4 me stuffs $$1 into a deer suit and shoves him into the woods. | .timer 1 10 me hears gunshots.. | .timer 1 14 me sees a hunter drag $$1's dead body out of the woods. }
Then i rightclicked a nick in the userlist and clicked "Hunter".
Seems to work as expected :)
RE: | .timer x y and Slap Title - Added by ZarkBit Nok over 11 years ago
haha it worked as expected, since it's for a slap system just had to add a submenu system, thank you very much ;-)
menu userlist {
..Hunter: say Deer season has opened!! | .timer 1 4 me stuffs $$1 into a deer suit and shoves him into the woods. | .timer 1 10 me hears gunshots.. | .timer 1 14 me sees a hunter drag $$1's dead body out of the woods.
..other slaps
..other slaps 2