Question regarding the SDCC implementation
Added by Odey Dev over 5 years ago
Hello all,
I am currently working on an implementation of the SDCC protocol for a bot which I would like to interface with the AdiIRC client as I have enjoyed using it thus far. As I know each client implements the functionality differently, I was wondering if it would be possible to request a rough outline of the communication chain used in this particular instance as it would prove very helpful in my endeavours.
Kind regards,
P.S. I was not sure if this should go under general or support, so put it here as it seemed more appropriate.
Replies (3)
RE: Question regarding the SDCC implementation - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
It's working in the same way as kvirc
E.g instead of "DCC SEND" and "DCC CHAT", it uses "DCC SSEND" and "DCC SCHAT" everything else is the same besides trying to connect through ssl/tls of course.
Also the sender must have and send a ssl/tls client certificate, it can be self signed.
RE: Question regarding the SDCC implementation - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
The flow looks like this.
ClientA starts a listening port using ssl/tls and a client certificate, then sends a DCC SSEND request like this:
-> :PRIVMSG ClientB :DCC SSEND <filename> <ipaddress> <port> <filesize>
ClientB receives a DCC request like this:
<- :ClientA! PRIVMSG ClientB :DCC SSEND <filename> <ipaddress> <port> <filesize>
ClientB knows this is a ssl/tls request because it uses SSEND, so ClientB tries to connect to ClientA using the specified remote <ipaddress> and listening <port> through ssl/tls.
A dialog to accept the remote ssl/tls certificate will appear for ClientB if the connection was successful.
Just noticed that the /dcc ssend command is bugged, I will fix that for next beta, sorry about that.
Edit: DCC ACCEPT and RESUME works in the normal way, both clients already knows the original request was a SSEND request.
RE: Question regarding the SDCC implementation - Added by Odey Dev over 5 years ago
Thank you for the explanation! The bit you mentioned about the flow of it is pretty helpful to visualise it! That clears up the questions I had regarding the implementation so I will see about getting it set up. Hopefully I can get my SDCC bot communications set up, but if I have any issues with it I will be sure to ask. Thanks again and I hope you have a good day.