Help plz with the Notify option
Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
I have an issue with the 'Notify' option.
After setting the 'Online/offline Sound' and checking the 'Enable notify' -- I noticed that I hear the online/offline sound alert ONLY when AdiIRC is minimized.
So is there a way to make the notification sound alert work and I would be able to hear it; while AdiIRC window is open and while I'm using it??
Replies (11)
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
Uncheck, this effects all event sounds
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
Still not working.
I went to Options - Sounds - and I enabled 'Enable Sounds' and 'Play message sounds in active window'
and I disabled 'Only play sounds if adiirc is not focused'
I also clicked on 'On Events' - and chose a 'Play sound' for both "Notify online/ Notify offline"
And I already had my 'Notify' settings done and enabled. But I'm still facing the same problem, whenever someone on my notify list comes online - it plays the online/offline sound ONLY when AdiIRC is minimized.
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
Notify sounds and tips does seem to not work correctly even if the option is unchecked, I'll look into it for next beta.
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
Is there any script that can make it work properly?
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
You can use on NOTIFY, on UNOTIFY with /play. something like:
on *:NOTIFY:/play c:\path\to\file.wav on *:UNNOTIFY:/play c:\path\to\file.wav
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
- /play: cannot play to this window (line 1, Newnotify.ini)
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
My bad, I meant /splay.
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
Yes, I tried it in all cases, and it's working fine. Thanks!
Would have been perfect if it could show my contacts who came online or went offline - showed them in the active window, instead of showing them in status server window.
But I guess that would be asking for too much :)
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
on *:NOTIFY:/echo -ta $nick is online | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav on *:UNNOTIFY:/echo -ta $nick is offline | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav
It's not currently possible to halt the default text that goes to the status window, I'll fix that for next beta.
RE: Help plz with the Notify option - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago
Many, many thanks. It's working perfectly.
And there's no need to halt the default text on the status window in the next beta.
Thank you for your time. Stay safe and healthy.