/id and other nickserve commands
Added by Daniel Kempton almost 3 years ago
I realize that with addiii, I am able to type /id password rather than /msg nickserve identify password. I have written some short scripts to handle this with my long password. I have named them, for ease /id /ghost etc. MOST of the time this works. However if there is an error in the script file, then it does not like /id the server gives me an error until I have closed the program and relaunched.
My question is this; Is the /id and other nickserve shortcus hardcoded? And 2, should these scripts go into the control.ini file, rather than my script file irc.ini
Replies (4)
RE: /id and other nickserve commands - Added by Per Amundsen almost 3 years ago
There are no nickserv commands in AdiIRC, they are server commands, you can see all AdiIRC commands on the Scripting Commands wiki.
I don't know what you mean by control.ini, there are no such file in AdiIRC.
RE: /id and other nickserve commands - Added by Daniel Kempton almost 3 years ago
commands.ini located in c:\program file\adiirc
/op /mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
/dop /mode # ooo $$1 $2 $3
/j /join #$$1 $2
/p /part #
/n /names #$$1
/w /whois $$1
/k /kick # $$1 $2-
/q /query $$1-
/s /server $$1-
/i /invite $$1 #$$2
/send /dcc send $1 $2
/chat /dcc chat $1
/ping /ctcp $$1 ping
/cmode /mode # $1-
/umode /mode $$me $1-
/kickban /ban k # $$1 $2
I am not sure where this file came from if not from adiirc as i don't ever recall creating it...
RE: /id and other nickserve commands - Added by Per Amundsen almost 3 years ago
Right, these are the default AdiIRC aliases.
Whether to use aliases or scripts doesn't really matter, it's the same thing, just different syntax.
for scripts it's "alias myalias bla bla" ... for aliases it's "/myalias bla bla", if they have errors, they stop working, no difference.
RE: /id and other nickserve commands - Added by Daniel Kempton almost 3 years ago
nevermind.... i know what I did... I shouldn't type when 1/2 asleep.