


AdiIRC auto typing?

Added by dub star about 13 years ago

I would like AdiIRC to automatically type "!auth dubstar" into the #channel when I log into a game

Joining the game prints the following in irc
Name: dubstar IP: Host:

I have read through the wiki on commands & scripting and finding it difficult to accomplish

Any help would be appreciated

Replies (10)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by Per Amundsen about 13 years ago

Do you know it this is a NOTICE or PRIVMSG ?

if its a privmsg in a channel, you can do

OnEvent if ($event == PRIVMSG) { if ($msg ismatch dubstar IP:) { /msg $channel !auth dubstar } }

if you give a little more info about the message, i'll make it for you :)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by dub star about 13 years ago

im not sure, the message is printed to the admin channel of the game

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by Per Amundsen about 13 years ago

then the previous example probably work :)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by dub star about 13 years ago

thankyou for your help :)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by dub star about 13 years ago

the code worked fine xD

is there a way to protect the typing of "!auth dubstar"? my irc nick ip & game ip must match, basically I log into irc and the game from the same computer as dubstar but want to !auth myself only if our ip's match.

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by Per Amundsen about 13 years ago

Good to hear xD

That depends, do you have a static IP ? if so you can just enter it like this:

OnEvent if ($event == PRIVMSG) { if ($msg ismatch dubstar IP: { /msg $channel !auth dubstar } }

If you don't have static ip, i have a few ideas ill check into.

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by dub star about 13 years ago

I don't have static, it switches between 3 others monthly... I think

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by Per Amundsen about 13 years ago

I see, ill make something that works with that tomorrow :)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by Per Amundsen about 13 years ago

I did a little brainstorming, this should actually work:

OnEvent if ($event PRIVMSG) { if ($msg ismatch dubstar IP: $myhost) { /msg $channel !auth dubstar } }

Let me know how if it works, if it does not you can try make a simple script like this:

OnEvent if ($event OnCommand) { if ($1 $me && $2 myip) { /msg $me My ip is $myhost } }

and then type /msg dubstar myip and you can compare if it matches.

Cheers :)

RE: AdiIRC auto typing? - Added by dub star about 13 years ago

excellent, ty v.much

OnEvent if ($event == PRIVMSG) { if ($msg ismatch dubstar IP: $myhost) { /msg $channel !auth dubstar } }
