


€ eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle

Added by Enrico Rossi 8 months ago

I tried to write € symbol but is not showing irc channels, it gives a black rectangle. It is showing only in the edit box, but gives a black rectangle in channel.
I tried "unicode utf 8" and "western europe (windows)" encodes but they are not working.
I use "fixedsys ,font size 9 font" , i'm in Italy.
Please help me

Replies (8)

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Enrico Rossi 8 months ago

Doesn't work, but i have changed the font to "fixedsys excelsior 3.01" (size 12, not 9 like the old font) and eur € symbol works in it. It's a manually installed font in windows 10, by me, years ago.

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Per Amundsen 8 months ago

Which fonts did you try?

Are you using AdiIRC through wine by any chance?

Also, on what network does this happen?

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Enrico Rossi 8 months ago

"fixedsys ,font size 9 font"
In windows 10 x64 (not wine)
i tried in all networks

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Per Amundsen 8 months ago

Fixedsys will most likely not have that symbol, have you tried other fonts such as Verdana, Tahoma or Consolas?

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Per Amundsen 8 months ago

Does the symbol show with other fonts? If so, you'll have to switch to another font, you can try this one

RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black rectangle - Added by Enrico Rossi 8 months ago

Per Amundsen wrote in RE: € eur symbol not showing in channels, writes a black ...:

Does the symbol show with other fonts? If so, you'll have to switch to another font, you can try this one

