


Blowfish problem with characters

Added by Tab Mode 14 days ago


Im not sure if this is the right place, couldnt really find where to report the problem.

example if i type:
å ä ö é è

it shows up for other users as:
å ä ö é è

i can see the characters as i typed it and even se when users types same with out problems, the problem is only when i typed those characters it show up strange to other users.

My AdiIRC side:
[13:51:06] <@tabAdiIRC> å ä ö é è
[13:51:26] <@tabmIRC> å ä ö é è

My mIRC side:
[13:51:06 Sat] <tabAdiIRC> å ä ö é è
[13:51:26 Sat] <tabmIRC> å ä ö é è

Replies (6)

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Per Amundsen 14 days ago

Make sure your encoding on that network is set to UTF-8, also if you have manually modified the blow,ini file, try delete it and only use the script to make changes.

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Tab Mode 14 days ago

AdiIRC is set to following in options "Server> Default Encoding: "Unicode ( UTF-8 )"", i have not made any changes to blow.ini.

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Per Amundsen 14 days ago

I can confirm this is happening with the latest "OpenSSL 1.1.X" version of the blowfish plugin. This is something new, I'm not sure where the problem is, I have little knowledge of blowfish/openssl/c++, but I will see what I can find out.

I did find that the fish plugin does not work with labeled-respose IRCv3 tag, I will fix that.

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Per Amundsen 11 days ago

I believe I found the issue, in the fish script, change:

var -p %msg.out = $regml(3) 


var -p %msg.out = $utfdecode($regml(3))

I have not done extensive testing, but nordic characters and unicode emojis seems to work.

Still need to fix the labels issue.

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Tab Mode 11 days ago

Thanks, the easy fix works for me.

RE: Blowfish problem with characters - Added by Per Amundsen 10 days ago

The script is updated now with fixes for both encoding and for servers with labeled-responses enabled
