


lag spikes?

Added by james parrish almost 9 years ago

i'm using AdiIRC 2.3 64bit, i'm connecting through sbnc to two different networks.. i've noticed that occasionally some serious lag when i'm doing something like a /whois the lag meter generally stays down however occasionally i see it spike quite a bit as well. when i used mIRC it did not do this it was pretty much always instant. i really like AdiIRC but the lag is starting to get to me.. if anyone has any suggestions i'd be greatly appreciative of them or perhaps this is some bug? thank you in advance for the help.

Replies (8)

RE: lag spikes? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago

If you mean the lag status in the Statusbar, it's not very accurate, numerous things can make it show a incorrect value.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by james parrish almost 9 years ago

no i mean like actually trying to /whois someone or something of that nature, when i have mirc open side by side it's almost instant however with adiirc it lags sometimes for as long as 20 seconds.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago

That's not normal, if you have any scripts, maybe try disable them.

Keep File -> Rawlog open, it will show all messages sent from AdiIRC to the server, and from the server to AdiIRC, notice how long from typing /whois until the message is sent from AdiIRC and how long until you get the reply from the server.

if you have Options -> Server -< Track away status enabled, try disable it.

if you have a high Options -> Server -< Send delay, try set it to 0.

If none of those things helps, you should probably look for causes outside AdiIRC, firewall, antivirus etc.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by james parrish almost 9 years ago

thank you, i've give these a shot and see what happens. i'm in a few channels with a lot of users so i didn't even think the track away option would probably be receiving a lot of data while using it, probably the culprit. thanks again.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago

While receiving away (/WHO data) data, all other data will be queued on the server, so it's possible, let me know if it helps.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by james parrish almost 9 years ago

so far it's working a lot better, i was wondering if perhaps there was anyway to reduce the amount of times the /who is issued to the server. i like the track away function albeit i can live without it it would be a nice feature to keep.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago

Not sure how much you know about scripting, but you can use a /timer to run /who #channel anytime you want, AdiIRC will pick up any away changes from the request.

Ideally it should only do one channel at the time, maybe one channel every 30 seconds or every minute instead of all channels every minute like now, not sure.

RE: lag spikes? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago

I made this change for the next beta, let's see if it helps.
