


Notify List

Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

I'm experiencing an issue where the Notify list refreshes itself every minute, generating pesky pop-ups that are superfluous and on some networks causing me to get K-lined for flooding. The Notify function didn't behave this way on the other clients I've used (mIRC and Hexchat), it operated silently and only actually notified on changes while never causing an issue with flooding. Is this a config error on my part or a known flaw in the AdiIRC client?

Replies (15)

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

What version of AdiIRC are you using?

There was massive changes to Notify in 2.9 beta.

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

You called it: Version 2.9 Beta Build 2017/07/01 64-bit

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

On what networks do you have problems?

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

UnderNET, primarily, but I had an IRCop bring it to my attention as well on the TWiT network and ask me to disable it in my client while I was connected to their network.

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

Okay undernet only support the old ISON polling, adiirc will ask the server every minute if nicks are online which shouldn't be a problem, how large is your notify list?

"generating pesky pop-ups that are superfluous" not sure what that means, but there is a popup when a user comes online or goes offline, you can disable that in Options -> Tips -> Other tips -> Notify

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

I've got about 100 on my Notify list, maybe 2/3rds of which are tagged for UnderNet.

If that's how it worked then I agree there would be no problem, but I described them as superfluous because I get a pop-up announcing all of the nicks that were online as offline, and then instantly notifying me that they're online again at the conclusion of each round of polling, which ends up being every 64-68 seconds. Maddening would be another adjective I might use to describe them as well. ;)

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

Okay that's a lot of Notify nicks, in that cause AdiIRC would send multiple ISON messages every time, and the tracking of who is online would break, I'll fix that.

Also I'll look into how other clients deals with polling this many users.

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

Thank you very much, this is kind of a make-or-break feature for me and I just love AdiIRC in almost every other way except for this.

Hexchat is probably the best client I've used with respect to the Notify feature and it's open source ( ) so that may be one place to examine that functionality. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out with testing.

Thanks for responding to my issue with such alacrity, I have even more respect for you and the app after this exchange.


RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

mIRC and AdiIRC sends the same amount of ISON lines every minutes, but mIRC sends one line, then waits for reply before sending the next, it's less text at once, but it's still a trivial amount of text, e.g 3-4 lines of text every minutes is not very much, there must be something else going on.

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

By going on, I mean something else must have caused the IRCOP to contact you, maybe you have Options -> Servers -> Track away status enabled?

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

Yes, I do have that option enabled. It seemed like behavior that I had come to expect as a default in other clients. What exactly does it cause to happen on the back-end?

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

Most servers doesn't support the IRCv3 away-notify tag, and the fallback is to /who #channel at an interval, AdiIRC uses some tricks to minimize this by having an option for max users of the channel to /who, and also to count number of users in up to 3 channels or max users to whois at once.

But it's a very bad features and I would suggest not using it.

RE: Notify List - Added by Peter Mello about 7 years ago

Alright, I've now got it disabled and will connect to UnderNet and see if the Notify function is better tolerated.

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

it should, but it will still be buggy with online/offline status, in next beta I will change it do one line at the time which should fix it.

RE: Notify List - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

Notify should be fixed now in the new beta, let me know how it goes.
