


Couple of issues :)

Added by Sebastien Seb almost 12 years ago


I have see of couple of issue (always latest beta).

1- When resuming from standby (S3) (random) all chan it's like we do a new connection (like we restart Adiirc)
2- Related to 1-, it doing like flicker on refresh each chan (there is already quite some issue about chan filcker but it's not really the same)
3- Closing a chan, it didn't work each time, need to retry multiple time to close it (happen also on server connection, like we are connected to freenode + many chan and i right click on freenod to close all in one shot, it didn't work correctly).

Thanks for your work :)

Replies (9)

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Per Amundsen almost 12 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting

I need more information though.

1. Can you please explain a littler better what "like we do a new connection" means ?

2. Can you please explain what exactly flickers and how it flickers (a short video would be good)

3. How exactly are you trying to close a window (there are numerous ways, hotkeys, commands, menus etc) and does this only fail after a resume to ?

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Sebastien Seb almost 12 years ago


Sorry for my english (i'm french)

1- I mean, it's like addirc was closed (but it was running before going to S3) and that i just start it (i have set in freenode server setting "autoconnect this server on startup") -> so on resume, it's like i just start addirc from fresh start.

2- I need to make a video but i will try to explain, on windows, we can see name of server here (freenode) and under channel, when we are on a channel, the channel has a color (blue for me) and here i can see this selection goes on all channel one by one and we it does that the channel name (the one beforeit goes to next channel (flicker) here the name color change (for me it's like the name disappears (i have black background)) that looks like flicker.

3- I use right click on server and select close (with mouse)

Thanks for asking detail and i know it must be done like this otherwise if you can't reproduce it, you can't fix it :P

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Per Amundsen almost 12 years ago

1. After a sleep, it should reconnect all servers you have open, does it do that?

2. Are you talking about the channelbar or sidebar or the channel windows itself? I know the channelbar/sidebar will swap a little back and forth when you join many channels, because every new window is given focus. (afrer a resume that shouldnt happend because all windows are already open)

3. where are you rightclicking, the channelbar, sidebar or the window itself ?

And yes i am asking every information I can think off that can help me reproduce, so far I cant xD

I think some screenshots where you just draw a circle around the problem area or a small video of the problems would really help, so I can try reproduce, you can email it to me at if you don't want to post it here, thanks :)

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Sebastien Seb almost 12 years ago

Hi :)

1- Yes it reconnect all servers, sometimes it's ok (backlog stay) and sometimes not the whole windows is clear and only on screen is displayed the reconnection log.

2- it's on sidebar, the name channel fickler (it can be more visible on remote connection like RDS/TSE) for ex on screenshot ( #MPC-HC flicker when auto connect is working and when i click on each channel to see content (it looks like a refresh/swap a little back).

3- i see it on sidebar (like

I will try to make a video to send you by email :)

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Sebastien Seb almost 12 years ago

Right now about case N°3 :)
I need to right click 3x on freenode and select close (doing that with mouse) to accept to close the server + all channels.
On first close (windows reduce (channel windows)
On second close do nothing
On third closing correctly :)

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Per Amundsen almost 12 years ago

Ah I see about closing, do you have "File -> Options -> Windows -> Minimize windows when pressing close button" enabled ?

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Sebastien Seb almost 12 years ago

Yep, i have it enable :)

RE: Couple of issues :) - Added by Per Amundsen almost 12 years ago

I changed it so it dosent trigger when you use menus or hotkeys to close a window, only X, it will be in next beta soon :)
