


Suggestion: Split windows in channels / List of Channels / Password Lock

Added by Iñaqui Sandí Suárez about 8 years ago

I'm a user of mIRC, pirch, KVIRC. have been using IRC for ages... I tend to stick with things that provide a better experience.. on KVIRC there's a feature to split the window.. so you can have joins, parts, kicks, any channel activity out of the actual conversation. Is a nice feature that could be brought here.

Also a way to save your Favorite channel list? or at least the list of recently joined channels.

A nice feature that provides a good level of privacy, specially thinking on a Portable version. Is being able to lock the application from running without knowing a certain password (from mIRC)

Replies (2)

RE: Suggestion: Split windows in channels / List of Channels / Password Lock - Added by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago

Maybe check out Monitor Panels .. you could set the channel monitor to only show hide/join/parts/kick etc, it logs all channels though, but I could add a option to only log active.

For favorite channels, add your server to the Serverlist, you can then add channels in the channel list and uncheck "Join on connect":

Or you can right-click a channel in Treebar/Switchbar and select "Add Channel":

Or you can type /channels #channel.

They will be treated as a channel favorite.

You can then either Tabcomplete the channel using #<tab> or you can right-click the channel list icon in the Toolbar, it will show a list of all the favorite channels and you can click one to join.

I will add the lock option at some point.

RE: Suggestion: Split windows in channels / List of Channels / Password Lock - Added by Iñaqui Sandí Suárez about 8 years ago

Great thanks.. I need to play around it more, I found the way to avoid the joins/parts/kicks to show in the channel and only in the monitor..
