


Feature suggestions

Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago

Using AdiIRC 2.8 x64 in win10.

Currently, when AdiIRC is already open,
when you click to open a server link (e.g. irc:// ) from inside a browser, (e.g. Firefox)
then AdiIRC opens the link in the background, i.e. remains unfocused.

My suggestion is AdiIRC to become the active window (I haven't found any relevant entry in File|Options).

PS. I love AdiIRC, it's truly the most feature-rich IRC client ever!
Thanks for your great work!

Replies (100)

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

I'd like to make one more suggestion, please:

By default AdiIRC has all Network Monitors tabs grouped together.
So, whenever a Network Monitors tab has unread entries and is unfocused, its tab title text to get a different text color(e.g. red) and to contain the unread count in parenthesis.
e.g. when you receive a private message and the 'Private Messages' network monitor tab is unfocused at that time,
its tab title text to become red and to have the count of unread entries (1) in parenthesis.

In other words, to work similar to how unread messages are displayed in Treebar (and Switchbar).

Currently, in order not to miss any entries, I split each of the various network monitors tabs (especially the 'Notices', 'Highlights', 'Transfers' and 'URL Catcher' tabs),
instead of having them all grouped together. Here is a screenshot of my current AdiIRC layout.

Thank you

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Monitor panels are not tabs or windows, so will probably not happen.

If you really want to keep track on all activity, I suggest using this script, it makes it more like a messenger, where windows without activity is hidden in the Treebar/Switchbar, I use it myself.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion, very useful!

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

If it's not too much to ask, could you please share a screenshot of your current AdiIRC layout/setup? (I've checked this screenshot from 3 years ago)
I'm sure I'd want to try to replicate it :)

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Of course, not much to see though.

As you can see, it only shows the active window and window with new messages (there was none when I took the picture), and the query window is going away very soon unless there are new messages.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for sharing!

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Two more thoughts, please:

1. Add a link to Join AdiIRC channel on freenode in the menubar|Help

2 Add a "Split View" button in the toolbar to vertically split the main chat window, with a resizable separator, with which to display all the non-chat messages (joins/parts/motd/topic/etc) in the upper part of the split window, keeping only the chat messages in the lower part.
For example, in your screenshot above, the non-chat messages are all those that have a * symbol in the Nick column.

The main chat window would remain still one, not two, i.e. it wouldn't be two movable windows - it would just be a single window with a resizable separator.

I've only found this feature in KVIrc (link). IMHO it's the best way to separate the chat messages from all other event messages. KVIrc screenshots: without Split View, with Split View

Yes, I know I can choose in: Options|Events which event messages to display only in Channel /Status or hide altogether. I also even already use the Join/Part filter plugin.
it's just that I believe that, the way that I describe, it a quick alternative way to separate chat messages from all other event messages, while keeping all those other event messages grouped together in handy for reference,
independently on the very useful existing various Monitor Panels.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

In the text area all messages are just text, there is no reliable way to tell which message is a join or part or regular message.

Either way, I think AdiiRC has a lot of ways to deal with this issue, including scripting your own custom windows which can hold these messages and can be hidden using /window -h.

It's also possible to create a plugin using the textview lines API's to enumerate all the messages. which could be used with the .NET framework to create any representation of text you want, including a custom window with a split view.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

For the "Join AdiIRC channel on freenode" suggestion, there is already a link in the Support wiki which is opened by Help -> Help or F1, not sure a link is needed directly in the menu.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Thank you for responding.

Regarding the the "Join AdiIRC channel on freenode" link suggestion:

I thought that by increasing the discoverability of the channel link, it would facilitate more users to join the channel and participate.
AdiIRC is an IRC program, and displaying its help/support channel link directly inside the program could only be useful, I believe.
I've initially seen such a link in KVIrc.

Regarding the split view:

Per Amundsen wrote:

In the text area all messages are just text, there is no reliable way to tell which message is a join or part or regular message.

I thought that the heuristic is already available: i.e. that the non-chat messages are all those that have a * symbol in the Nick column. It seems I'm mistaken

Either way, I think AdiiRC has a lot of ways to deal with this issue, including scripting your own custom windows which can hold these messages and can be hidden using /window -h.

It's also possible to create a plugin using the textview lines API's to enumerate all the messages. which could be used with the .NET framework to create any representation of text you want, including a custom window with a split view.

Unfortunately my knowledge on mSL scripting is limited,
furthermore, I suppose that creating a plugin is not an easy task, plus Ι'm totally clueless on .NET, so I wouldn't dare to ask you for 'advices for a total newbie in .NET', it would be futile.
I'll just keep your suggestion in mind, in case I become a bit familiar with .NET at some point, to try to make it.

PS. I just made this post [Plugin request] 'Split View' for the chat window, to separate regular messages from event messages if anyone experienced is interested.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

I don't think a link in the help menu is gonna draw any significant amount of users to the channel, there is links and mentions everywhere already and it is the default network/channel as well.

Just wanted to clarify, it's not possible to create a split view inside AdiIRC st least not through the current API, it would have to be an external window/popup controlled wholly by the

Also I'll happily answer any question related to AdiIRC including msl and plugins.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

I have one more suggestion, please:
regarding Options, when you disable a "global" setting, all affected settings/checkboxes to become disabled/grayed out.
like it currently is for the 'Away' Options menu

I've found the following "global" settings inside these Options menus:

'Emoticons' ----> 'Use Emoticons' (affecting all settings)
'Highlights' ----> 'Highlight list'|as you Edit an entry|'Tip Message' checkbox (affecting the 'Message' textbox below)
'Ignore' --------> 'Enable Ignore' (affecting the list entries)
'Inline Images' > 'Use inline images' (affecting all settings)
'Notify' ---------> 'Enable notify' (affecting the list entries and the two checkboxes)
'Sounds' -------> 'Enable sounds' (affecting all settings)
'Statusbar' ----> 'Enable Statusbar' (affecting all settings)
'Tips' ----------> 'Enable tips' (affecting all settings)

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Most features have include/exclude lists and other ways where the feature is available even though the global feature is disabled, also sometimes users want to change options without enabling the global option so they can toggle it from commands later.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

I'm not talking about the 'Add' button in the include/exclude lists,
but the list entries themselves, i.e. the table contents (their font color to become gray, but still be able to add/edit/remove the entries),
If you prefer, please ignore the part of my suggestion about changing the font color in the include/exclude lists contents, altogether.

But, my suggestion is almost exclusively aimed for the affected checkboxes, textboxes, spinners(numeric updown), and dropdown selectors,
in order to better visually distinguish which settings are affected by the relevant global option.
Like it currently is in the 'Away' Options menu already (I mean the 'Enable Away' global option checkbox).

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

You misunderstand, it's possible to use most of the features/options without enabling the global option.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

You misunderstand, it's possible to use most of the features/options without enabling the global option.

You are right about the 'Statusbar' Options menu but all other global settings I listed above affect all settings:

'Emoticons' ----> Use Emoticons (affecting all settings)
'Highlights' ----> 'Highlight list'|as you Edit an entry| Tip Message checkbox (affecting the 'Message' textbox below)
'Inline Images' > Use inline images (affecting all settings)
'Notify' ---------> Enable notify (affecting the two checkboxes)
'Sounds' -------> Enable sounds (affecting all settings)
'Tips' -----------> Enable tips (affecting all settings)

I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you, but here are some screenshots to prove my point:

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

I am not gonna list all the ways these options are used (and therefore needs to allow changing) when the global option is disabled, you just have to take my word for it.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Alright, you are the developer, of course you know better.
I just wanted to list to you which settings/features seem to me that are not available when disabling the relevant global option.
Thanks for your time, responding to me, once again, and sorry for bothering you with my invalid suggestion.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Don't apologize, it was a valid request, just not one I was able to fulfill.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

I noticed in todays 3.1 stable changelog that:

Added new themes to the installer

I wanted to include these new themes to my beta AdiIRC instalation.

As I saw from the Stable installer the newly added themes are the following 6 files:

Also, I've noticed that, upon installation the theme files are installed twice (duplicate/binary same content) in:
C:\Users\Kostas\AppData\Local\AdiIRC\Themes and
C:\Program Files\AdiIRC\Themes

but inside the Theme Manager (File|Themes), when I rightclick on a theme and click 'Open folder' it always opens on the former path ( C:\Users\Kostas\AppData\Local\AdiIRC\Themes )

So, should I copy the above 6 files to both the above folders in my 3.2 Beta Build (2018/06/12) installation, or just to the former one ?
And is the latter folder, C:\Program Files\AdiIRC\Themes, actually being used, or it's a remnant from a previous version? If it's not used, maybe it should be removed (via the next version of stable Installer) to avoid confusion?

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

The reason themes and other files are duplicated in the installer is because AdiIRC can use 2 different folders for config files/themes etc, based on write permission to the folder where AdiIRC.exe is located.

If AdiIRC has write access to the folder where AdiIRC.exe is, it uses that folder regardless of where that folder is, running AdiIRC with admin priveliges uses "C:\Program Files\AdiIRC" in this case.

If AdiIRC doesn't have write access to the folder where AdiIRC.exe is, it uses "C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\AdiIRC\".

You should copy the themes to your $adiircdir which returns the correct path based on folder write access, you can also just go to Menubar -> Tools -> Config Files which surprisingly very few people notices.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Also all the theme files included are from the forum.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Kostas K over 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the quick response and detailed info!

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago

Edit: wrong post, sorry.

RE: Feature suggestions - Added by clone man about 6 years ago

It would be nice to have a "scrollback warning" appear if you start typing in a channel and you don't realise you're scrolled up in the chat history
