


[Script] Blinking scroll lock led on highlight v0.5

Added by Mr. BS over 10 years ago

I'm sharing a simply script that makes the keyboard Scroll Look led blinks intermittently when a highlight is triggered and AdiIRC has no focus.


(illustrative image)


  • v0.5
    - Added support for action and query.
  • v0.4
    - New attempt to detect user nickname ($me) correctly.
  • v0.3
    - Changed to use the proper event to detect main window focus.
    - Now the led is always toggled off on focus. Thanks for the new identifier $keylocked.
    - Overall improvements.
  • v0.2
    - Now using the internal identifier $highlight.
  • v0.1
    - Initial release, reading user custom highlights directly from config.ini (poorly coded, not cached) :<


; Blinking scroll lock led on highlight
; v0.5 by pereba

alias -l m return * $+ $iif($$highlight($1-) == $ $+ me, $me, $v1) $+ *

alias -l led if (!$appactive) .timerLED -m 0 500 flashled

on *:TEXT:$($m($1-)):*:led

on *:ACTION:$($m($1-)):*:led

;Adi get focus then lets disable the led blinking
  if ($timer(LED)) {
    .timerLED off
    if ($keylocked(scrolllock)) flashled

alias flashled {
  var %name led $+ $ticks
  .comopen %name WScript.Shell
  .comclose %name $com(%name,SendKeys,3,bstr,{ScrollLock})

✔ mIRC compatible.

Replies (2)

RE: [Script] Blinking scroll lock led on highlight v0.5 - Added by Carl-Robert Maki over 8 years ago

Not working with private messages for me, the program flashes on taskbar, but scroll lock does not. Using v0.5. Name highlight works just fine though.

If that is intended, would the script be possibly extended to support also the "flash" option?

RE: [Script] Blinking scroll lock led on highlight v0.5 - Added by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago

You could add this lines which will trigger on all private messages.

on *:TEXT:*:?:led

on *:ACTION:*:?:led