


/me and a Script of mIRC

Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

Hello Everyone

I have some Trouble with a Script. It should change the Text Color on some indicators. Now, i got 2 Problems:

1: If i have another active replace Script fpr lol, brb and some stuff, it shows up double text if that script is active too

2: If i write a /me command... it does show up as "/ME text" instead of a emote.

I would really appreciate your help.

on *:input:#: {
  if ($left($1,1) == %commandchar) {
    if ($v1 isin $+(+?.*,$chr(40),$chr(41),^,$chr(36),$chr(91),$chr(93),$chr(123),$chr(125),$chr(124),\)) {
      echo -s bla
      var %a = $str($+(\,$v1),2)
    else {
      var %a = $str(%commandchar,2)
    if ($regex($1,$+(/,%a,?\.?me/))) {
      me $regsubex($2-,/(".+?")/g,01\t)
    elseif ($hget(replacing,$+(/,$remove($1,%commandchar)))) {
      say  $regsubex($($v1,2),/(\*.+?\*)/g,01\t)
  else {
    var %a = $1-
    if ($hget(replacing,$1)) {
      %a = $($hget(replacing,$1),2)
    msg $chan $regsubex(%a,/(\*.+?\*)/g,06\t)

Replies (12)

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

You need to make sure %commandchar has a value, disable the script, then type "/set %commandchar /" ... then enable the script again.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

That solves all! Thank you mate :D

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

There is now only the Problem with the Double Post:

[09:14] <~Isabel_Karavic> Bin gleich zurück
[09:14] <~Isabel_Karavic> brb

The "Bin gleich zurück" is the Replace for the "brb" (it is German for be right back)

The Replace Script looks like this:

on *:input:*:{
  IF ($1 == lol) { /say 11L10aughing 11o10ut 11L10oud $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == brb) { /say 11B10in 11g10leich 11z10urück $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == wb) { /say 11W10illkommen 11z10urück $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == ww) { /say 11W10inke 11W10inke $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == n8) { /say 11G10ute 11N10acht $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == sg) { /say 11S10laft 11G10ut $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == twf) { /say 11T10räumt 11w10as 11F10eines $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == gb) { /say 11F10ute 11B10esserung $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == re) { /say 11I10ch 11b10in 11z10urück! $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == sry) { /say 11T10ut 11m10ir 11L10eid $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == k) { /say 11O10kay $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == np) { /say 11K10ein 11P10roblem $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == thx) { /say 11D10anke $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == afk) { /say 11Ich 10bin 11nun 10nicht 11am 10PC $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == rofl) { /say 11L10aughing 11o10ut 11L10oud 11and10rolling $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == hdl) { /say 11H10ab 11d10ich 11L10ieb! $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == hel) { /say 11H10ab 11e10uch 11L10ieb $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == bb) { /say 11B10ye 11B10ye $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == hf) { /say 11H10ave 11F10un $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == ka) { /say 11K10eine 11A10hnung $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == /er) { /say 4 <<< $2 >>> | halt }
  IF ($1 == bg) { /say 11B10is 11g10leich $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == bs) { /say 11B10is 11S10päter $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == kn) { /say 11K10nuddel $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == knu) { /say 11K10nutsch $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == rekn) { /say 11R10e 11k10nuddel $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == reknu) { /say 11R10e 11k10nutsch $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == ida) { /say 11I10ch 11d10ich 11a10uch $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == rain) { /say 4 Es ist wieder so weit: 2R3a4i5n6b7o8w9p10o11w12e13r 4!!!!!!!  $2- | halt }
  IF ($1 == tfp) { /say 11D10anke 11f10ürs 11S10piel $2- | halt }

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

Do you have both script in different files? if so, put them in the same file and only one will trigger.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

I Tried... but then will only the colorchange trigger, the shortcut suddenly not.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

try put the IF ($1 == lol) script at the top, so it triggers first.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

Then will the IF script work... but the colorchange does not work

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

are you trying to change the color of the output from the other script? if so, it wont work, it must happen in the same "input" block.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

OMG - sure, you're right Facepalm myself Now... it Works. Maybe you have also just a idea for another, last case before i can use the adiirc client with my community:

If there is a long text typed, it will be splitted. thats good. But it splits in the middle of the word, so it is not so comfortable to read. Is it possible to bring adiirc to the point, that he will make the cut before the word, so that there will no words be splitted for a second post?


[09:44] * Ephesus rannte wie eine Irre durch die Flure... jaulte immer wieder lauthals und bekam aus dem Biotop eine Antwort. So ging es schon seit guten 10 Minuten. Ein stetiges hin und her Gejaule von einem Rudel Wölfe, welches dem einsamen Wolf eine Antwort gab. Jolene war total aufgedreht und rannte nun auf eine Anhöhe, streckte die Brust heraus und die Schnauze nach oben... und jaulte umso lauter auf. //Das macht Spass... wie lange geht das, bis ic 
[09:44] * Ephesus h Kloppe bekomme?//

In that case, the Word "ich" is splitted. Perfect would be the following:

[09:44] * Ephesus rannte wie eine Irre durch die Flure... jaulte immer wieder lauthals und bekam aus dem Biotop eine Antwort. So ging es schon seit guten 10 Minuten. Ein stetiges hin und her Gejaule von einem Rudel Wölfe, welches dem einsamen Wolf eine Antwort gab. Jolene war total aufgedreht und rannte nun auf eine Anhöhe, streckte die Brust heraus und die Schnauze nach oben... und jaulte umso lauter auf. //Das macht Spass... wie lange geht das, bis 
[09:44] * Ephesus ich Kloppe bekomme?//

Is there a Setting or anything for that?

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

I never thought of that for some reason, I will look into adding that for next beta as default, no option needed.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Chris Schlauri almost 8 years ago

Cool - thank you very much

So we i will use it for my IRC RPG Community as IRC Client from now on - thanks for your work.

RE: /me and a Script of mIRC - Added by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

Your welcome, and thanks for using AdiIRC :>
