Bug #1668
closedIncorrect UNICODE support on greek language
I saw that on some cases that AdiIRC does display correct the language results
i have the encoding to Unicode (UTF-8)
here is the message:
[23:05:31] <test_user_3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb8ogYEXwVs
THIS IS CORRECT : >>>>>> Length: 00:04:35
[23:05:32] <+Raf> YouTube-Info: ➔ Title: ΕΙΧΑ ΚΑΠΟΤΕ ΜΙΑ ΑΓΑΠΗ - ΠΑΝΤΕΛΙΔΗΣ 2013 NEW HD -==- Resolution: 2D HD -= Views: 779,441 =- Likes: 2,469 -= DisLikes: 91 =- Comments: 305 -= Uploaded by: Stefos Damon -=- Uploaded on: Sun 01st Dec 2013 23:48:00 (11 months, 5 days, 3 hours, 47 minutes, 32 seconds ago)
THIS IS NOT CORRECT : >>>>>>> Description: Eixa kapote mia Agapi - Pantelis Pantelidis 2013 (ΞΟ€ΟΞΏΟσκο Style) Στίχοι: Παντελίδης Παντελής Ξουσική: Παντελίδης Παντελής Ξ•ΟΞΌΞ·Ξ½ΞµΟ…Ο„ΞΟ‚: Παντελίδης Παντελής Ειχα καποτε ΞΌΞΉΞ± αγαπη - στίχοι Είχα κάποτε ΞΌΞ
[23:05:37] <+Raf> URL-Info: β” Title: ΕΙΧΑ ΞΑΠΞΤΕ ΞΙΑ ΑΓΑΠΗ - Ξ Ξ‘ΞΤΕΛΙΔΗΣ 2013 NEW HD -=
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Also in some rare cases, an invalid byte is sent by some servers/clients which cases UTF-8 to fail and fallback the entire line to ISO, there is no fix if this is a case like that.
Updated by westor (GR) over 7 years ago
I've jus test that again and that issue has been fixed in the latest beta, you can close either that issue.