Support #1714
closedRestore query windows
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Would be nice to have an option to restore all windows on restart, incl. Query.
Added by Andreas vb over 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.
Would be nice to have an option to restore all windows on restart, incl. Query.
"File -> Options -> Windows -> Save and restore open servers"
This will save all open servers as autoconnect and add all open channels as autojoin channels.
For querys a quick script could be used.
I have all servers in Server List, but need to figure out how to save all Queries automatically. :D
I'll make a small script for you and post it here a little later.
here you go :)
on *:OPEN:?:*:{ var %name = % $+ $network $+ _query set -s [ %name ] $addtok( [ %name ] ,$target,32) } on *:CLOSE:?:{ var %name = % $+ $network $+ _query set [ %name ] $remtok( [ %name ] ,$target,1,32) } raw 376:*:{ openquerys } raw 422:*:{ openquerys } alias query { var %name = % $+ $network $+ _query set [ %name ] $addtok( [ %name ] ,$1,32) !query $1- } alias -l openquerys { var %name = % $+ $network $+ _query , %s = 1 while ($gettok( [ %name ] ,%s,32)) { if (!$query($v1)) { echo -s $gettok( [ %name ] ,%s,32) query $gettok( [ %name ] ,%s,32) } inc %s } }
Thanks, I'll see if it works.
Everything in Scripts?
Yes, just press alt + r and paste the script into a blank file, then press save :)