Bug #2363
closedLoading BNC messages without window focused still causes messages to appear as unread
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Added by Matthew Simpson over 9 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.
TYPO IN THE TITLE; the messages are appearing as read.
Basically when I'm loading BNC buffers, I have "focus newly opened windows" deselected. Since I have 45 or so channels to load buffers from, it takes a while, but when it's done, all the messages appear as read. Pretty sure this is incorrect.
EDIT: As of 2.2 Beta Build 2015/11/28-1, this still occurs. However, it only occurs on one of the BNCs that I use. Its version is ZNC 0.206 (as opposed to the rest of them, which work, being ZNC 1.6.0), so it's an old version, but I'd still say it should be supported.
Totally missed this report sorry, is this still happening and when you say "read" do you mean the Treebar/Switchbar color is "normal" instead of "new message"?
I'll assume it's working now.