Bug #2891
DCC receiving fails at 40kb.
Added by Tim Keller over 8 years ago.
Updated over 8 years ago.
Operative System:
Windows 10
Every time i try to receive a file I get an incomplete transfer and it stops at 40kb.
AdiIrc Version 2.4 Beta 2016/07/12
Not sure how to reproduce as its everytime from multiple people on my end.
forgot to mention I can receive files in mirc over the same connection.
Did this start happening in 2016/07/12 ? if so try the 2016/07/12-1 update.
Per Amundsen wrote:
Did this start happening in 2016/07/12 ? if so try the 2016/07/12-1 update.
No. It has been happening since I started using adiirc a few months ago. Not sure of the exact build i started with anymore I am afraid.
Okay, first make sure no antivirus/firewall/antimalware is interfering with AdiIRC, e.g whitelist AdiIRC.exe.
Second go to the "Menubar" at the top of AdiIRC, click "File" -> "Rawlog", whith "Rawlog" window open, start a transfer, when the transfer fails, go to the "Rawlog" window, select the "Debug" tab and copy any relevant errors, then paste them here, you just have to select the text and it will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
No antivirus or firewall installed/functional. So definitely not that.
<- :SENDER PRIVMSG geekboy :DCC SEND 21901.zip 1578571269 23100 52163
<- :SENDER NOTICE geekboy :DCC Send Successful! Brought to you by #CHANNEL
So it seems like its not erroring at all. Even though this is what the dcc window shows.
Also the file size on disk matches the DCC window.
I take it there is no relevant error messages in the "Debug" tab then ?
Correct. After a while the sender's client claims there is a time out and the connection failed. Again this connects and sends just fine in mirc. SO I know its not my network configuration.
Other tidbit. The bit of data received is also correct. So there is a proper connection being made.
I am out of ideas, would need to test the transfer myself to see what's actually happening
I am currently available on irc.efnet.org as user geekboy. Hop on and send me a PM. Or let me know where i can find you.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
In next beta go to Options -> Dcc and uncheck "Use fast dcc get"
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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