Bug #3040
Client will not update certain users joining/leaving an IRC server properly [AdiIRC 2.5 64bit Windows 10]
Added by Garrett Baker over 8 years ago.
Updated over 8 years ago.
Lately, Nicklist will not update correctly when certain IRC users join or leave. Multiple nicks will appear as "ghosts" in the Nicklist, when they're confirmed to be logged out by other users on different clients. Furthermore, some users will not show up in Nicklist when they login, and their messages will not appear in the IRC channel during conversation. I notice the bug triggers infrequently, but oftentimes with users who join/part frequently due to connection issues. Completely shutting down the client and reopening it is the only way to properly refresh the Nicklist and correct the bug. This is on version 2.5 64bit Windows 10.
- Category set to Irc
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen
Is this something new to 2.5 ?
Also on what network(s) does this happen?
Per Amundsen wrote:
Is this something new to 2.5 ?
Also on what network(s) does this happen?
To my knowledge, I haven't noticed it happen on 2.4 and as such it appears new to 2.5, but due to the nature of the bug I may have simply not noticed it before this version (I see roughly a year ago someone reported a similar issue on a different version. Issue #2066). Also, the only network I've myself noticed the bug on is irc.justtrance.net . It was a hard issue to catch, since it's inconsistent user to user; I only noticed when a certain user appeared logged in for over 24 hours (where they typically log off each day).
It is possible for the Nicklist to go slightly out of sync during netsplits etc, but the messages should always be shown even if they are not in the Nicklist, you can actually test that using /fakeraw :fakenick!fakeident@fakehost.com PRIVMSG #channel :test.
You can try keep Menubar -> File -> Rawlog open, whenever you determine a nick is not removed, go to Rawlog and select the irc.justtrance.net network in the Sidebar, then press the search button for the nick, and see if you can find the last QUIT/PART/KICK message for that nick, then either paste it here or email it to me at amundsen@gmail.com along with the exact nick casing and or channel modes in the Nicklist.
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
I think I have found the cause for this, same as #3037, it will be fixed in next beta.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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