



Bug #3285


Auto Re-Auth on Reconnect

Added by John Hutchison about 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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Currently on 2.6 64bit but have had the problem on all three computers on older versions.

In the "Run these commands on connect" i have set:
/ns recover myNick myPassword
/nick myNick
/ns id myPassword
/oper myNick operPassword

This works fine if I click the connect button. AdiIRC is set to automatically reconnect and when it does these commands aren't run again until I click disconnect/connect again. I have made an on:connect script with the same commands and it is working fine now, but would rather have this functionality built in.

Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
  • Category changed from Interface to Irc
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Priority changed from Low to Normal
  • Operative System changed from Windows 7 to All
  • Regression set to No

How are you connecting, e.g serverlist/quick connect or /server ?

Also you mention reconnect, are you talking about adiirc itself is reconnecting, or when a znc connection is reconnected?

Actions #2

Updated by John Hutchison about 8 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

How are you connecting, e.g serverlist/quick connect or /server ?

Also you mention reconnect, are you talking about adiirc itself is reconnecting, or when a znc connection is reconnected?

I have AdiIRC set to connect to this server automatically when it starts from the setting in the serverlist, "Connect to this server on startup". My client is set to automatically reconnect after ping timeouts. And I used the Connect/Disconnect button in the upper left corner of the window when I needed to have the "Run these commands on connect" run automatically again.

Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago

I did various tests, and all the commands were executed on reconnect.

Try open File > Rawlog and keep it open until a disconnect/reconnect happens, then go to the Rawlog, select the network in the sidebar, check if the commands you entered is in there with the ">" prefix.

Actions #4

Updated by John Hutchison about 8 years ago

I will try that again. I did it a few days ago and I saw the commands in the rawlog, but did not disable the on:connect script on either PC.

Please note I have now upgraded to 2.7 on all workstations.

Actions #5

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 8 years ago

Is there any new information with this issue?

Actions #6

Updated by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago

Just realized, taking the command from that other post and adding them to Serverlist -> Commands should fix your issue.

/ns recover myNick myPassword
/nick myNick
/ns id myPassword

I think this releases your nick from nickserv so you can get the nick back.


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