



Feature #3294


Global Search

Added by Krystinalynn Maria about 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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The search function in AdiIRC is powerful. But I think it can surpass mIRC's own search function. (For the record, I'm referring to the CTRL+F search function that allows you to search the current buffers for a string of text, using regex or exact matches if needed.)

Now, I'm not a developer, and I certainly don't know how hard this is to implement, though I find it would be very useful, and maybe you might too. Adding three checkbox options to make the search function better.

Channels: This checkbox will cause AdiIRC's search to search all open channel windows within a single server for the given string of text.

Privmsg: This checkbox will cause AdiIRC's search to search all open privmsg windows within a single server for the given string of text. Can be used in conjunction with the Channels option.

Global: This checkbox will allow AdiIRC's search function to search for a string of text in all windows across all servers. By virtue, this automatically invokes the aforementioned Channels and Privmsg search options.


findtext.png (12.9 KB) findtext.png Per Amundsen, 06/24/2017 11:25 PM
findtext2.png (14.2 KB) findtext2.png Per Amundsen, 06/25/2017 12:45 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Priority changed from Low to Normal

I have something similar on TODO, I am thinking since each window has it's own search control integrated it would be better to create a new search dialog which pops up (CTRL + SHIFT + F) with more options, possibly finding all matches and preview them.

Actions #2

Updated by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago

I added this for next beta, it can be opened from Tools -> Find Text, by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F or by typing /findtext -g.

It doesn't have the window type selection, but I can add that later if needed.

Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Actions #4

Updated by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago

Added the checkboxes as well.


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