Bug #3726
closedOn scripting error loops in result of stuck
I found a bug that when someone trying to catch the error via :error into a code and including an identifier that doesn't exist, the adiirc looping in result of stuck as it should only escape the not-exist identifier and continue the echo message, i will provide an example code to reproduce it.
Example Code:
alias test_70 {
:error | get_error $not_exit_identifier $scriptline $error | reseterror
alias get_error { echo -s IS: $1- }
It should return: IS: NUMBER * /hadd: insufficient parameters (line NUMBER, FILE)
Like: IS: 5060 * /hadd: insufficient parameters (line 5058, WESTOR Module Manager.mrc)
If "Identifier Warning" option is enabled then it should give the "* No such identifier: $not_exit_identifier (line NUMBER, FILE)" and if that option is disable it should display the echo message without the stuck.
- Thanks!
Updated by westor (GR) over 7 years ago
I tried that code when the "Identifier Warning" option is OFF and it didn't loop stuck, so it seems to be triggering only when that option is enabled.