



Bug #3787


Bold is being shown on the messages, but i didn't enable that.

Added by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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Operative System:
Windows 10


Not sure exactly if it's a bug.

But i guess it deserves a look at.

Additional informations:
- AdiIRC 3.0 Stable - 32bit.
- Options >> Fonts >> Browse (bold is disabled)
- Options >> Messages >> "Make certain part of messages bold" is enabled, but i tested it disabled either.

Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

What part of the message is bold?

If it's the nick, you can change how they are formatted in Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User, by default it's surrounded by bold characters,

Actions #2

Updated by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

What part of the message is bold?

If it's the nick, you can change how they are formatted in Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User, by default it's surrounded by bold characters,

the message itself

Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.

A screenshot would help.

Actions #4

Updated by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.

A screenshot would help.

I am always having bold at my messages, specifically. That's all i can tell right now, but i might back with more information later.

Actions #5

Updated by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago

Cassio Luz da Silva wrote:

Per Amundsen wrote:

Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.

A screenshot would help.

I am always having bold at my messages, specifically. That's all i can tell right now, but i might back with more information later.

Well, that's not a bug (i guess).

I am using a custom theme (developed by myself), but i've got surprised for 2 reasons:

1. Because the default AdiIRC's theme has been used as base to create mine.
2. Because i didn't remember to enable bold before. I probably enabled by accident and forgot.

But although my custom theme does have the bold, the bold doesn't appear enabled on - Options >> Fonts >> Messages >> Browse

If i want to disable the bold, where do i should look at?

Actions #6

Updated by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.

A screenshot would help.

Ok, with that option disabled my theme is still having bold at my messages.

Actions #7

Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

The bold character does not require the font to be set to bold, I suggest checking Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User in your "theme" and make sure there are either no bold characters, or a balanced amount of bold characters.

If there is an unbalanced bold character in the prefix, it will carry over into the message.

Actions #8

Updated by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

The bold character does not require the font to be set to bold, I suggest checking Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User in your "theme" and make sure there are either no bold characters, or a balanced amount of bold characters.

If there is an unbalanced bold character in the prefix, it will carry over into the message.

Well, i am using a re-installed client. Also, i've recently made a new theme without the bold enabled.

But if testing is still useful: My messages actually only have bold if i follow your instructions. So, everything is fine actually.

Actions #9

Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

  • Category set to Interface
  • Status changed from New to Invalid
  • Assignee set to Per Amundsen

Great :>


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