Bug #3787
Bold is being shown on the messages, but i didn't enable that.
Added by Cassio Luz S. about 7 years ago.
Updated about 7 years ago.
Operative System:
Windows 10
Not sure exactly if it's a bug.
But i guess it deserves a look at.
Additional informations:
- AdiIRC 3.0 Stable - 32bit.
- Options >> Fonts >> Browse (bold is disabled)
- Options >> Messages >> "Make certain part of messages bold" is enabled, but i tested it disabled either.
What part of the message is bold?
If it's the nick, you can change how they are formatted in Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User, by default it's surrounded by bold characters,
Per Amundsen wrote:
What part of the message is bold?
If it's the nick, you can change how they are formatted in Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User, by default it's surrounded by bold characters,
the message itself
Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.
A screenshot would help.
Per Amundsen wrote:
Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.
A screenshot would help.
I am always having bold at my messages, specifically. That's all i can tell right now, but i might back with more information later.
Cassio Luz da Silva wrote:
Per Amundsen wrote:
Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.
A screenshot would help.
I am always having bold at my messages, specifically. That's all i can tell right now, but i might back with more information later.
Well, that's not a bug (i guess).
I am using a custom theme (developed by myself), but i've got surprised for 2 reasons:
1. Because the default AdiIRC's theme has been used as base to create mine.
2. Because i didn't remember to enable bold before. I probably enabled by accident and forgot.
But although my custom theme does have the bold, the bold doesn't appear enabled on - Options >> Fonts >> Messages >> Browse
If i want to disable the bold, where do i should look at?
Per Amundsen wrote:
Any boldness in messages would come from "Make certain part of messages bold" or if the person sending the message used bold characters.
A screenshot would help.
Ok, with that option disabled my theme is still having bold at my messages.
The bold character does not require the font to be set to bold, I suggest checking Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User in your "theme" and make sure there are either no bold characters, or a balanced amount of bold characters.
If there is an unbalanced bold character in the prefix, it will carry over into the message.
Per Amundsen wrote:
The bold character does not require the font to be set to bold, I suggest checking Options -> Messagea -> Prefiz -> User in your "theme" and make sure there are either no bold characters, or a balanced amount of bold characters.
If there is an unbalanced bold character in the prefix, it will carry over into the message.
Well, i am using a re-installed client. Also, i've recently made a new theme without the bold enabled.
But if testing is still useful: My messages actually only have bold if i follow your instructions. So, everything is fine actually.
- Category set to Interface
- Status changed from New to Invalid
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen
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