Bug #4925
closed/did -c does not work on dialog "edit" items
I was trying to create a dialog code that including /did -c dname id L N1 N2 but it seems it doesn't working on AdiIRC, if i remember correct this was working in old versions so it may be broke due any /did change.
According to https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/dialog_components#Edit
-c = sets the selected text in the editbox, /did -c <name> <id> <line> [[n [n2]]
, set the selection on line <line>, where n and n2 represent the start/end position of the selection in the line
- Thanks!
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
Can you show an example where it doesn't work?
Updated by westor (GR) about 5 years ago
1. I noticed that when the dialog initialize finishes then the ID 8 (editbox) scrollbar doesn't get up in 1st line by default (as it does in mirc).
2. If i add the /did -c
it doesn't either goes in 1st line as i requested in command L and N1.
Example Code:
alias example { dialog -md example example } dialog example { title "" size -1 -1 265 285 option dbu disable button "Close this window", 1, 45 269 165 15, default ok tab "Modules", 2, 2 2 262 209 button "Install", 7, 200 121 61 12, disable tab 2 tab "Installed", 3 button "Uninstall", 11, 200 121 61 12, disable tab 3 button "Reinstall", 12, 4 121 61 12, disable tab 3 text "", 250, 72 121 120 15, center tab 3 hide tab "Updates", 4 button "Update", 13, 200 121 61 12, disable tab 4 text "News:", 25, 80 215 100 8, center text "Loading the latest available news...", 26, 25 224 225 40, center list 6, 4 30 257 38, disable size vsbar list 60, 4 30 257 38, hide disable size vsbar list 600, 4 30 257 38, hide disable size vsbar text "Module List:", 90, 75 20 113 8, center text "Module Description:", 9, 75 70 113 8, center edit "" 8, 4 80 257 40, disable read multi autovs autohs vsbar center text "Module Screenshots:", 17, 75 140 113 8, center text "", 5, 241 275 18 8, disable center menu "Menu", 10 item "Help", 18, 10 item break, 501 item "Visit the Modules", 27, 10 item break, 503 item "Options", 19, 10 item break, 504 item "About", 20, 10 item break, 505 item "Restart", 21, 10 item break, 506 item "Exit", 22, 10 } ON *:DIALOG:example:init:*: { did -ve $dname 8 did -a $dname 8 Version: 1.0 $+ $crlf Created on: 07/02/2020 $+ $crlf File: $nopath($script) $+ $crlf did -a $dname 8 Lines: $lines($script) $+ $crlf Size: $bytes($file($script).size).suf $+ $crlf MD5: $md5($script,2) $+ $crlf Path: $longfn($script) did -c $dname 8 1 1 }
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from /did -c doesn't working on dialogs editboxes to /did -c does not work on dialog "edit" items
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed