Feature #4926
closedAdd support for 'Check' and 'Radio' options in dialogs lists
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I was trying to create a code in adiirc and saw that there is missing from AdiIRC something really wonderful related the DIALOGS and LIST thing, according to you can create a list with radio and check fields there, it would be nice to see that in AdiIRC supported too.
check = Turns the list into a list of checkbox items.
radio = Turns the list into a list of radio items.
Example Code:
; init alias alias example { dialog -m example example } ; dialog structure dialog Example { title "Example" size -1 -1 100 110 option dbu list 1, 10 10 80 20, multsel list 2, 10 40 80 20, radio list 3, 10 70 80 20, check button "Done", 7, 10 95 40 12, ok } on 1:dialog:example:init:*: { did -a example 1 Item A did -a example 1 Item B did -a example 1 Item C did -a example 2 Item A did -a example 2 Item B did -a example 2 Item C did -a example 3 Item A did -a example 3 Item B did -a example 3 Item C }
Example Image:
- Thanks!
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
There is check support already, there is no radio list in .NET.