Bug #4963
openBug link with accented character at the end
[23:59:39] irc.site.com [Spamfilter] Diablooo!o-xxx@xxxx matches filter 'http': [PRIVMSG #chan: 'https://site.com/i/img_5e4b1ad9eefcd.gif'] [Spam/Publicité]
By that it happens that administrator click on the url from the notice of the spamfilter. But no luck the character ' is at the end of the url which gives: https://site.com/i/img_5e4b1ad9eefcd.gif'
can you remove it?
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
The url does not end with ' though it ends with '], if it ended with just ' it would work.
mirc seems to checks if the url begins with a ', then finds the last ', it then checks a list of "allow these characters to be trimmed at end" for each following character, if one character is not on the list, the ' is included.
The list is not transparent, but it does include ] which is why this works in mirc.
I'll try figure out the list at some point and whether if I want to follow it.
Updated by armin armin almost 5 years ago
On version 3.9 beta, this bug still exists. Just delete the 'at the end of the url as a "trim ()" will do