Bug #4964
closedCrash on exit
here are two bugs that I don't see anymore:
From at least 15 days I have not seen this bug (with update beta activated):
1- random disconnections on IRC (about 1 time every 1-3 days)
And also I no longer encounter this bug on the beta version of February 18 only:
2- I explained several weeks ago that sometimes I let AdiIRC run for more than 12 hours and then I close it and a Windows report window appears (debug) etc ... and this bug does not appear at all on the beta version of February 18. Usually it does this at each closing provided that I let AdiIRC run for more than 6h-12hours and then the debug window we had to close it always in "2 times" (so 2 clicks)
I always check to see if this bug will appear at least in the week, if after a week past, I would give news here in this forum topic
Updated by armin armin about 5 years ago
The "2-" reproduces on the beta version of 22 February but not on that of 18, February
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Bug resolved ?! to Crash on exit
For 1, a network issue with your internet provider or a hub between you and the irc server was likely resolved.
For 2, this issue is not related to any specific version of AdiIRC, there has been various reports over many years. Without a reliable way to reproduce the problem, there is nothing I can do.
Updated by armin armin about 5 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-3:
For 1, a network issue with your internet provider or a hub between you and the irc server was likely resolved.
For 2, this issue is not related to any specific version of AdiIRC, there has been various reports over many years. Without a reliable way to reproduce the problem, there is nothing I can do.
For the "2", it does not do this at all on the AdiIRC version of February 18 (tested for a week without any crash).
All other versions, it's everyday
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
That's very interesting, would you be willing to test that older build for another week? you can find it here https://adiirc.com/download.php?b=true
Updated by armin armin about 5 years ago
it is launched now for a week, but anyway the crash happens every day as soon as I go to sleep I shut down the computer and AdiIRC has been on all day and this is where it crashes.
In 3 days I will tell you if it has crashed or not.
Updated by armin armin about 5 years ago
ok no problem so far, no crash.
Version February 18, 2020
Updated by armin armin about 5 years ago
I stop writing here, it does not crash at all on the version of February 18, 2020
Only February 18, 2020
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago
Okay, I still don't know where or what the error is so it will probably continue to crash, but at least I now know the area where it occurs, that might help narrowing it down in the future.
Thanks for testing.
Updated by armin armin almost 5 years ago
I am using AdiIRC 3.9 beta (I have never tried adiirc 3.8) and I can confirm that it must have been 2 or 3 months since the error at the end when closing adiirc no longer occurs at all, I have not seen this error for about 2 or 3 months.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago
- Category set to Interface
- Status changed from New to Unconfirmed
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen