Bug #5129
openDialog boxes mess up the other boxes inside that
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In the following code if you uncomment line 13 and re-open the dialog ( /test ) then it doesn't work in AdiIRC, it seems like the box there mess the other boxes that are inside that.
dialog test { title "Mode Thanker - (/mt)" size -1 -1 172 266 option dbu box "Voice", 1, 3 3 166 21 edit "", 2, 5 11 162 10, autohs box "Halfop", 3, 3 51 166 21 edit "", 4, 5 59 162 10, autohs box "Op", 5, 3 99 166 21 edit "", 6, 5 107 162 10, autohs box "", 7, 3 242 166 21 check "Activate Mode Thanker", 8, 43 250 85 10 ;box "", 9, 1 -2 170 267 box "Devoice", 10, 3 25 166 21 edit "", 11, 5 33 162 10, autohs box "Dehalfop", 12, 3 73 166 21 edit "", 13, 5 81 162 10, autohs edit "", 14, 5 128 162 10, autohs box "Deop", 15, 3 120 166 21 box "Deprotect", 16, 3 167 166 21 box "Protect", 17, 3 146 166 21 edit "", 18, 5 154 162 10, autohs edit "", 19, 5 175 162 10, autohs box "Owner", 20, 3 193 166 21 box "Deowner", 21, 3 214 166 21 edit "", 22, 5 201 162 10, autohs edit "", 23, 5 222 162 10, autohs } alias test { $iif(!$dialog(test),dialog -md,dialog -v) test test }
- Thanks!
Updated by westor (GR) over 4 years ago
EDIT : When i say it doesn't work i mean that it hides the boxes that are inside that box.
Also it works correct only if you place line 13 at the end
edit "", 23, 5 222 162 10, autohs box "", 9, 1 -2 170 267