Bug #5140
closedChange color number 34
Can you change color number 34 to a readable color?
Currently it is white and I cannot see what this persons is writing.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
Updated by armin armin over 4 years ago
on https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Extra_Colors
how to edit color 34 only to change?
I like all the other colors, except 34
Why in options> colors> there is no part to customize the colors from 16 to 98?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago
As explained on the page I linked, when "Options -> Colors -> Use extended colors for events" is enabled. colors 16-35 are reserved for events so they can be any rgb color instead of just one of the 99 mirc colors.
Also as explained on the page, color 34 is reserved for the text area background color.
The only way to change the color 34 is to change the background color where you end up with the same problem or disable the "Use extended colors for events" option which limits all event colors to only be one of the 99 mirc colors.
Updated by armin armin over 4 years ago
do you know if it is possible to convert a color with an "on:text:" type remote, what should be done?
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
if ( 34* iswm $1- ) {
echo -t test: $1-
echo -t test01: $replace($1-,$ [ $+ [ %a ] ],$+($chr(3),$gettok(%couleur,$findtok(%grade,%ugrade,46),46),$ [ $+ [ %a ] ],$chr(3) $+ %color)
something like that, but I can't do it
Updated by armin armin over 4 years ago
on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ( 34* iswm $1- ) { echo -t < $+ $nick $+ > $replace($1-,34,20) } }
It seems to work this system.
Do you know how to put $nick in the same color as the nick that appears in the nicklist?
Updated by armin armin over 4 years ago
on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{ if ( 34* iswm $1- ) { echo -t $target < $+ $nick $+ > $replace($1-,34,10) haltdef } }
I tested for 24 hours, it is correct. Just a shame that the $nick is not in color like in the nicklist