



Bug #5155


/ialfill should be useable without -f until end of names

Added by westor (GR) over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Operative System:



When i join in a channel, and i use //echo -a IS: $ial(nickname).gecos - $ialchan(nickname,#channel,1).user it doesn't works, so i have to execute /ialfill #channel first and then it would work. (it works for other properties but not for .gecos).

Also missing .gecos from $ialchan() identifier (i know it has .user but .user should return the ident and not the realname).

Also an other common issue is that if i use the following code, the /ialfill doesn't seems to fill the IAL with the gecos, probably because a progress is already in use when it joins.

ON *:JOIN:#chan1,#chan2: { if ($nick == $me) { .iallfill $chan } }

- Thanks!

Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago

As always, please provide the relevant RAW messages.

Actions #2

Updated by westor (GR) over 4 years ago

Sure, forgot it.

-> 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - JOIN #SWGhost
-> 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - @label=0041 NOTICE Global :VERSION AdiIRC 3.9 Beta Build 2020/09/24 64 Bit
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - @time=2020-09-27T13:19:27.878Z;msgid=t0jbWw7Bvug98OvoKjwOW9-boRXgn87I0m9HTZtbx5enQ :test_bot!Username@D134C51B.4CEA8426.269A76A2.IP JOIN #SWGhost * :Fullname
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 353 test_bot = #SWGhost :test_bot!Username@D134C51B.4CEA8426.269A76A2.IP Dune2K_Bot_!Dune2K_Bot@980419D2.A358DE48.D91A5E6B.IP &@OperServ! westor!westor@I.Would.Like.To.Kiss.You.But.I.Cant.Tell.Me.Why.Not.My.BaBy ~@Dune2K_Bot!Dune2K_Bot@980419D2.A358DE48.D91A5E6B.IP
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 366 test_bot #SWGhost :End of /NAMES list.
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - @label=0041 :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG ACK
-> 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - MODE #SWGhost
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 324 test_bot #SWGhost +ntrPf [6c#C5,6j#i5,8m#M5,6n#N5,6t#b]:10 
<- 27/09/2020 16:19:27 - :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 329 test_bot #SWGhost 1601204121

/who #channel -->>

-> 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @label=0042 who #SWGhost
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @label=0042 :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG BATCH +xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT labeled-response
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 352 test_bot #SWGhost Username D134C51B.4CEA8426.269A76A2.IP * test_bot Hs :0 Fullname
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 352 test_bot #SWGhost Dune2K_Bot 980419D2.A358DE48.D91A5E6B.IP * Dune2K_Bot_ Hs :0 Dune2K_Bot
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 352 test_bot #SWGhost bot * OperServ HB*&@ :0 Operator Management IRC Service
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 352 test_bot #SWGhost westor I.Would.Like.To.Kiss.You.But.I.Cant.Tell.Me.Why.Not.My.BaBy * westor Hrs* :0 :: 4Oti Arxizei Me XARA Telionei Me KARRA ::
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 352 test_bot #SWGhost Dune2K_Bot 980419D2.A358DE48.D91A5E6B.IP * Dune2K_Bot Hrs~@ :0 Dune2K_Bot
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - @batch=xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG 315 test_bot #SWGhost :End of /WHO list.
<- 27/09/2020 16:21:44 - :IRC.ChatHUB.ORG BATCH -xB3q0IsQlAd1QcpcsYsnnT
Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago

$ial().gecos seems to work as expected with the syntax in these RAW messages.

You cannot use /ialfill when joining, you can try using it on RAW 366 which is end of names.

Actions #4

Updated by westor (GR) over 4 years ago

Yes, the head issue is that even if i don't use /ialfill and just join in a channel then $ial().gecos and $ialchan().user not triggering at all.

Actions #5

Updated by westor (GR) over 4 years ago

Also a guy said that /ialfill has -f parameter to force a fill in other client, its undocumented but exists, it would nice to see that supported either.

Actions #6

Updated by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from $ial().gecos and $ialchan().user are not working until i use /ialfill command to /ialfill should be useable without -f until end of names
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version changed from 3.9 to 4.0
Actions #7

Updated by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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