Feature #5198
closedDisplay a player with Play / Stop button that detects links ending in .mp3
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Everything is in the title
It would be really good to create this, because under the irc web client there is this but on AdiIRC we must each time click on the link to open it in the browser
Updated by Per Amundsen over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
AdiIRC is not a web browser, it's an irc client designed for text chat, it cannot parse or display html, it also cannot play or embed media players.
Updated by armin armin over 4 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-1:
AdiIRC is not a web browser, it's an irc client designed for text chat, it cannot parse or display html, it also cannot play or embed media players.
Ah ok and a clickable icon or smiley in the form of "play"? and the mp3 starts or something like that