Feature #5253
Add option to run commands when drag/dropping files into a window
Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago.
Updated about 4 years ago.
Add option to run commands when drag/dropping files into a window
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Per Amundsen wrote:
Add option to run commands when drag/dropping files into a window
Interesting...thank you very much for this
Now the next step is be gentle and make us a SQL dll ;)
DLL? Should be with Amundsen's Seal of Quality!
Anybody can make a plugin, my time should be focused on AdiIRC.
Relax your mind, i am just joking
But indeed, it would be great if you develop it sometime
Considering that althought anybody can develop a plugin, it's fact that we don't see many coders developing them for us
This is true, AdiIRC has a very small user base and irc itself is dead/on life support.
I can't make everything for everybody. I already made the most configurable and feature rich irc client with a re-implementation of msl scripting and a full blown API. Somebody else gotta step up and add niche features which can be done through plugins or scripts.
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