Feature #5383
closed$address is missing for servers in SNOTICE events
Added by eahm eahm over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.
Hi, is there a way to make this work on AdiIRC too?
on *:SNOTICE:*/quote PASS*: {
if ($address == irc.znc.in) {
.timerQuotePass 1 0 /quote PASS $$!?*"Password:"
Thank you.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Category set to Scripting
- Regression deleted (
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from $$!? to Open dialog when irc.znc.in asks for /quote PASS
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Open dialog when irc.znc.in asks for /quote PASS to $address is missing for servers in SNOTICE events
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen
You could just use $nick instead of $address, but sure $address should have a value in this case.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
Don't know how to reply once closed, $nick doesn't work of course, I already tried that.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
You can reply, it's just a status to auto update my changelogs. $nicks works fine for me, not sure why it wouldn't work for you.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
This is what I changed it to:on *:SNOTICE:*/quote PASS*: {
if ($nick == irc.znc.in) {
.timerQuotePass 1 0 /quote PASS $$!?*"Password:"
And this is what I get:
23:23:30 * Password required
23:23:30 -irc.znc.in- *** You need to send your password. Configure your client to send a server password.
23:23:30 -irc.znc.in- *** To connect now, you can use /quote PASS <username>:<password>, or /quote PASS <username>/<network>:<password> to connect to a specific network.
23:23:30 * Sent raw: 'PASS ******'
23:23:31 * Invalid Password
All automatic, I don't see any dialog.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
Make sure you don't have another script/plugin which performs the /PASS. It could also be from the server password if configured, hard to tell, although the SNOTICE would still be triggered in that case.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
No other script loaded other than the znc selfmsg one, removed and tested again and it still sends the password automatically, no dialog.
Can you please paste the one that works for you?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
I just replaces $address with $nick, not sure what is going on for you.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
Ok, it works with the alias /qp, which for me is /quote PASS $$?*"Password:"
And with /quote PASS $$?*"Password:" but not with /quote PASS $$!?*"Password:"
So it should be all good for now I think, still testing few things.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
Interesting, I'll see what I can find.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
I finally figured out the second problem, see #5384.
For some reason the double $$ was not copy pasted so I was testing on $! which worked as expected compared to $$!.
Updated by eahm eahm over 3 years ago
Thank you man, already tested and everything works perfectly!