Support #5490
Login Method dialog more features/logins
Added by eahm eahm about 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Should we see an option for ZNC and maybe services like IRCCloud there? (/QUOTE pass etc.)
I know there are like 20 ways to add that password but it would be a great option for new users.
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Bouncers/servers have to login using the server username/password on the General tab.
Login Method is for nickserv/auth logins.
It is separate because some bouncer/servers requires first logging in to the bouncer/server and then identifying with nickserv/auth.
ZNC has options for SASL, NickServ, Q etc. inside, the nick is already auth and you just need to connect to the ZNC. Maybe add just the ZNC login with /QUOTE pass? Just throwing ideas.
It doesn't matter what ZNC can do, because on the general tab there is as username (ident) field and a password field that performs /PASS (/QUOTE PASS) if filled, these fields has to be there because as I already mentioned, some servers and bouncers requires a separate /PASS and /nickserv login.
Adding a new login method under "Login Method" which is not related to nickserv and then having two usernames and two passwords both performing /PASS, doesn't make any sense.
General is for logging into a server/bnc, Login method is for logging into nickserv.
Ohh got it, thanks for explaining man.
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