



Bug #5593


Main window is not restored correctly when minimized to tray in some cases

Added by armin armin almost 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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It's already the 2nd time in 20 days that I've been on AdiIRC for hours, I script is minimized, I'm doing something else on the computer and when I click on the systray to turn on AdiIRC it doesn't appear , he is freez, obliged to kill him.
Then when I start AdiIRC it starts fine but without the Treebar, I have to click on TreeBar to activate it.

Do you know the origin cu bug?

Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 3 years ago

For the Treebar issue, adiirc might have been closed with the treebar off at some point, the layout is only saved on successful exit, force closing adiirc would not save the new layout. Try start adiirc, enable treebar, close adiirc, then start it again.

I don't think it's frozen, next time, try to right-click the systray icon and use the "Show" menu, if that doesn't work, try disable minimize to systray.

Are you using the 4.3 beta? there was some related fixes there.

Actions #2

Updated by armin armin almost 3 years ago

Yes I am on 4.3 beta

Actions #3

Updated by armin armin almost 3 years ago

Currently it is blocked again, I go to the systray menu by clicking on "Show", there is nothing.
You have to go to device manager and killer, there is only that to do.
And the "Treebar" will leave too, we'll have to put it back! Let's look!

It should be noted that when I click on "Option" the options window is displayed

Actions #4

Updated by armin armin almost 3 years ago

Oh actually it's good it's back.
I clicked on "Option" and I closed the options window and then I click on the systray to display AdiIRC and it's good.

Actions #5

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 3 years ago

Good to know, I’ll look into this for next beta.

Actions #6

Updated by Per Amundsen over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from 2 times the same bug observed from May 14 until June 5 to Main window is not restored correctly when minimized to tray in some cases
  • Category set to Interface
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Per Amundsen
  • Regression changed from No to Yes
Actions #7

Updated by Per Amundsen over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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