Feature #5601
openCustom nicknames in nicklist
Sometimes it's nice to be able to display nicknames differently to the actual stored nickname.
This is evident in many clients, and some add-ons for mIRC such as nickLUST.
eg. on IRC8 servers, Guest nicknames are actually >nick, but clients display them as Guest_nick (there are many other examples)
A simple callback function would be great, or even as an option.
alias nicklist {
return $iif($left($1, 1) == >, $+(Guest_,$right($1, -1)), $1)
It would be a bonus to be able to specify a nick icon in the callback that's not saved permanently, and override the default icons list. Callback would need to be called on adding to list, and when user away status/channel mode changes. Perhaps even with a command to refresh the nicklist to check for changes.