Feature #5607
closedOptional "/mode #chan" on join
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Is there a way to disable this, if not can we make it optional?
Thank you.
Added by eahm eahm over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.
Is there a way to disable this, if not can we make it optional?
Thank you.
Why would you want to disable it?
AdiIRC needs to know the current state of channel modes for other features to function properly.
The channel creation date/info ("/mode #chan"), I think it's an extra info/feature no? Should be optional.
That information comes from the server when you perform /mode #channel by RAW 329, you can verify this yourself by checking Rawlog.
I know I can trigger it, that wasn't my question though, see here?
16:48:22 * #blahblah has modes: +lnt 291
16:48:22 * #blahblah created on Mon Aug 11 14:12:18 2014
IMO there should be a way to make the second line optional
-> ergo.test MODE #chan <- :ergo.test 324 Nick #chan +nt <- :ergo.test 329 Nick #chan 1660347996
324 = has modes
329 = created on
Not sure what you're trying to say, ok every cmd has a number on the ircd and? Others clients are not showing it, I never noticed that line before AdiIRC, you mean it's something that the server sends and it can't be made optional?
When you send MODE #channel to the server, you get 2 lines as a reply, one is the current channel modes, the other is the channel creation date.
You can't only get one of the lines back, you always get both, in all clients including mirc.
You asked for an option to not do MODE #channel, I explained why that is a bad idea, now I presume you are asking to not see that line of text because other clients might be hiding it from you, you can do that with:
RAW 329:*:halt