Bug #5748
Trying to open Script Editor crashes AdiIRC
Added by Todd A. Rivers almost 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
Operative System:
Windows 10
I just clicked Tools > Scripts & AdiIRC throws a crash dialog box /w a send diagnostics message. I cannot view my Scripts from within AdiIRC ! Even though they're working. Using latest Beta.
Todd A. Rivers wrote:
I just clicked Tools > Scripts & AdiIRC throws a crash dialog box /w a send diagnostics message. I cannot view my Scripts from within AdiIRC ! Even though they're working. Using latest Beta.
I clicked Continue & re-opened it & it works ! But it sends a crash error when opening it the first time. Lemme know if this is happening on your end as well. Maybe some Commands\ Identifiers have change that's breaking it, I will try disabling most of my scripts & testing. O.K. I turned off Highlight Syntax Coloring & it stopped crashing.
I don't see any crash reports related to the Script Editor, did you submit it?
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-2:
I don't see any crash reports related to the Script Editor, did you submit it?
Alright I will
It is not immediate obvious what's causing the crash. Do you have any aliases named /on or /menu maybe?
- Status changed from New to Resolved
That seems to be the issue, should be fixed in next beta.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-5:
That seems to be the issue, should be fixed in next beta.
Yeah it was 'cause of alias on & alias off, I disabled them & it doesn't throw a crash error anymore. I didn't have this issue before though.
Good to know, I seem to have introduced this bug in the previous beta.
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