Support #5784
closedSaving NICKLIST to external file
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Windows 10
I wish to sort a to remove offline NICKs from a list of download triggers.
To accomplish this I need a listing of online NICKs.
The list can be comma, <CR> and/or <LF> separated
Updated by Per Amundsen over 1 year ago
You can try putting this in the Script Editor, then type /savenicks in the channel, the nicks will be saved to nicks.txt.
alias savenicks { var %s, %c = 0 while (%c < $nick(#, 0)) { inc %c %s = %s $+ $nick(#, %c) $+ $crlf } write -c nicks.txt %s }
Updated by Oui Ouims over 1 year ago
"/savebuf -l #chan <file>" can be used to accomplish this.