Bug #5791
openSystem that indicates that the IRC server has been disconnected
As soon as we are connected to AdiIRC, and the IRC server is cut off with ./unrealircd stop
, on AdiIRC it does not warn that the server has been cut off, nothing happens, it still thinks it is connected, there Is there a way to make disconnection more beautiful?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 1 year ago
Typically adiirc will show a disconnect error when a socket connection is terminated, otherwise it will fail to send a ping after about 60 seconds or timeout after 60 seconds. Do you see a disconnect error after about 60 seconds?
Updated by armin armin over 1 year ago
Ah, I never paid attention to waiting 1 minute.
There is no vent indicating that unreaircd (or another irc server) is no longer responding? as for example with socket.io on nodejs, there is a "close" and "disconnect" event, it indicates directly to the client that the server is cut off. Isn't there an equivalent with adiirc?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 1 year ago · Edited
There is, and adiirc uses it, it usually works, but it's not always guaranteed to be instant.
Updated by armin armin over 1 year ago · Edited
Oh ok it's good I understood the thing, i have to manage a famous ping timeout, I remember that's it, I never know how to manage that even for smartphones especially quickly immediately for example. I struggle to do this
Updated by armin armin over 1 year ago
As soon as we cut unrealircd, there is really no vent indicating that the server has been cut? a sort of "Oops, unrealircd is stopped" or I'm confusing it with the Anope services
Updated by Per Amundsen over 1 year ago
No there is not. It should as I said, detect the termination of the socket and raise a disconnect error, I don't know why it doesn't in your case, it works here.