Bug #5806
openServerlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
I like to group some channels under a different nick by having two separate connections to the same server, but when both is just showing as "servername" in the tree view, it feels awkward.
I haven't found a setting to change this behavior either so it's either a bug or not implemented.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
Updated by Rega Fox about 1 month ago · Edited
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-1:
Check https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Treebar_Options#Show-nick-name
That's nice and would do the trick for my case, but the issue remains imo.
Thanks for the quick reply though
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
Assuming you mean it literally says "servername" and not e.g "Libera.Chat", make sure this is enabled as well https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Treebar_Options#Show-network-name
Updated by Rega Fox about 1 month ago
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-3:
Assuming you mean it literally says "servername" and not e.g "Libera.Chat", make sure this is enabled as well https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Treebar_Options#Show-network-name
If i turn it off it just says "status" instead of "servername". it still doesn't use the name I put into the server list editor.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
Not sure what the "servername" is suppose to be. You can use the labels from the serverlist with this option https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Server_Options#Use-serverlist-group-labels-as-network-name
Keep in mind it also affects other per network options, where network name is used.
Updated by Rega Fox about 1 month ago
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-5:
Not sure what the "servername" is suppose to be. You can use the labels from the serverlist with this option https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Server_Options#Use-serverlist-group-labels-as-network-name
Keep in mind it also affects other per network options, where network name is used.
It's automatically determined from what network your connecting to.
This option seems to have no effect.
I can see the intended names in the menu bar if look at Servers -> All Servers (e.g. foo, bar)
That's what i want to see in the Treebar, not "freenode, freenode" if both point to irc.freenode.net
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
The label option does that, you might have to restart AdiIRC after enabling it.
Updated by Rega Fox about 1 month ago · Edited
Per Amundsen wrote in #note-7:
The label option does that, you might have to restart AdiIRC after enabling it.
Oh. Everything else seems to apply immediately so that it didn't prompt for a restart made it seem like it had no effect.
This case can be considered solved, but the application really should prompt a restart if the settings do not take effect immediately when it's not obviously needed. (Like users should be aware that changing ident will not take effect until you reconnect to the server, here it's pretty obvious what needs to be done by the user, unlike the issue mentioned above)
Terminology differences between clients sometimes makes it hard to find exactly what one is looking for, thanks for helping me find the correct setting to change.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
Yeah, I typically add prompts in such options, it should be one there as well.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 month ago
- Subject changed from Server Tree does not use display name of servers to Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice