$disk » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 08/13/2014 11:01 PM) → Revision 3/10 (Per Amundsen, 08/13/2014 11:02 PM)
_Added in 1.9.0_ *$disk(path|N)* Returns information about the specified hard disk, where N = 0 for total available drives, and N > 0 to access each drive. If no properties is defined, returns [[$true]] if hard disk exists, else [[$false]]. _$disk with no parameters in /sysinfo [[/sysinfo]] [N:] and /diskinfo [[/diskinfo]] [N:] will return the drive letter [N:] used as parameter._ *Parameters* path|N - The hard disk letter (C:) or the N'th hard disk. *Properties* .type - Type of hard disk. (unknown, norootdirectory, removable, fixed, network, cdrom, ram) .free - Number of free bytes available. .label - Label of the hard disk. .size - Total number of bytes. .unc - The unc path for a network drive. (\\x.x.x.x\dir) .path - The hard drive letter/path (C:\) *Examples* <pre> ;Print total number of hard drives. echo -ag Total number of hard drives is $disk(0) ;Print some hard drive info of the first drive. echo -ag The first hard drive is $bytes($disk(1).size).suf in size and have $bytes($disk(1).free).suf free space. </pre>