$sock » History » Revision 10
Revision 9 (Per Amundsen, 02/11/2021 09:25 PM) → Revision 10/12 (Per Amundsen, 02/11/2021 10:02 PM)
_Added in 1.9.0_
Returns information about a the Nth socket connection.
name - Name to lookup, can be a [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]].
[N} - If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optionally)
.name - Name of the socket.
.addr - Hostname the socket is connected to.
.sent - Number of bytes sent.
.rcvd - Number of bytes received.
.sq - Number of bytes in send queue.
.rq - Number of bytes in receive queue.
.status - Status of the connection: paused/active.
.ip - IP Addresss the socket is connected to.
.port - Port the socket is connected to.
.ls - Number of seconds since the socket last sent data.
.lr - Number of seconds since the socket last received data.
.mark - Socket mark set by [[/sockmark]].
.type - Socket type udp/tcp.
.to - Number of sockets since it was opened.
.wsmsg - Return the last socket error message.
.wserr - Return the last socket error.
.pause - Returns [[$true]] if socket is paused, otherwise [[$false]].
.ssl - Returns [[$true]] if socket is a SSL connection, otherwise [[$false]].
.sport - Returns the source port from the last received UDP packet.
.saddr - Returns the source address from the last received UDP packet.
.bindip - Returns the local ip address the socket is bound to.
.bindport - Returns the local port the socket is bound to.
.starttls - *TODO*
.certfile - Returns the server certificate file if the socket is a listening socket, otherwise the client certificate file. *(AdiIRC only)*
; Print number of sockets.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 0)
; Print the first socket.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 1)